Washington State senators are renewing the push to legalize psilocybin services, prefiling a bill ahead of the forthcoming legislative session that would create a regulated psychedelics system aimed at promoting mental health and wellness.
The measure, SB 5201, led by Sen. Jesse Salomon (D) along with eight cosponsors, is a revised version of legislation he filed in 2023 that would have legalized psilocybin and psilocin—the two main psychoactive chemicals in psychedelic mushrooms—in a fashion similar to existing laws in Oregon and Colorado. It would allow adults 21 and older to legally use the substances with the support of a trained facilitator, with product manufacturers, service centers and testing labs licensed by the state.
Lawmakers passed Salomon’s 2023 bill, but only after gutting its legalization provisions. As enacted, the bill instead created a limited pilot program and expressed intent to further study the issue. Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed the measure into law but also issued a partial veto, nixing provisions that would have created a Psilocybin Advisory Board and an Interagency Psilocybin Work Group.
Salomon’s new measure revives the legalization proposal with a few adjustments, he said in a brief interview with Marijuana Moment. Since 2023 the lawmaker and allies
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