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Non-profits launch peer-to-peer support line for veterans using psychedelics

Two U.S.-based non-profits are collaborating on a free peer support line for military veterans who use psychedelics.

“Now, more than ever, it is imperative that we empower veterans to support other veterans who are processing past psychedelic experiences. This partnership is a bold step in that direction,” said Joshua White, founder and executive director of Fireside Project.

The peer support line will launch on June 23, and the program is focused on connecting veterans to volunteers from similar backgrounds who are facing similar challenges.

Last year, Canadian Forces veteran Scott Atkinson spoke with The GrowthOp about his experience with ketamine therapy.

The former master corporal struggled with post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety and chronic pain following a 25-year military career.

Atkinson found some relief in medical cannabis and then became interested in pursuing psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. In 2020, he went through six sessions of ketamine

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