Latest The Adam Dunn Show episodes
TADS051223 – Adam Dunn Show 05 – 12 – 23

Dirty 30’s our guest co-host Kyle Allon from @exotixtech will be celebrating with us his 30th trip around the sun ( geez he’s young ). a modern canna-renaissance man Kyle has learned all aspect of construction and growing building his own OTG setup from the ground up. He is also our resident crypto expert so if you have any canna crypto queries this is your show. Our Breeder showcase is Dr Freak from @canna_research_co as the name implies, Dr. freak is responsible for selecting the Holy banana that his father Shapeshifter @freakshowcannabis to create what he called Holy Express, which was renamed as it should by the Dr ……Freakshow. An amazing mutation that I wish was found 30 years ago, we will delve deep into this story and more. This breeder showcase is brought to us by James Bean “Man on the scene” who will also join the convo and fill us in with all the deals going down on SHN. Last week we announced Caleb from @CicadaLabs would be on , and this week we will deliver. We have been super impressed at every @thecowboycup with their 6 star bubble hash So much so that we stashed some and will bust that out to smoke that on the show. Finally we have Nikki Lawley LPN @nikkiandtheplant a cannabis advocate that has been self medicating since her unfortunate TBI (traumatic brain injury) that she suffered on her job as a pediatric nurse. Coming from the belly of the beast “the medical establishment “ Nikki quickly figured out that the system wasn’t designed to heal but you keep you sick, she also found that natural cannabis products were more effective and has made it her mission to spread that message. So make sure your ready with a fully charged @dabx and you have your @yoproductsllc Yo-Tips at the ready or if your old school your @jerome_baker bong clean so you can can get a clean rip and keep up with us on another 3 hour show on 5/12/23 4:20-7:10 MT 🔥🍒🌱💭 #seedsherenow #sagemastaselect #sohicafe #katsububba #exotixtech #nikkilawley #warpt4life #cicadalabs #davesstillhere
TADS050523 – Adam Dunn Show 05 – 05 – 23

After the last 2 weeks of amazing guests we weren’t sure how to top it well fellow breeder and podcaster @jamesloud has made it easy for us. He will be broadcasting live from his brand new studio I’m sure just to show off (and yes I’m jealous) to top it off he’s got the greatest guest lined up for us true Canna Royalty @MilaHashQueen herself. Between her international @dab_a_doo events guest celebrity judging and jet setting around the world Mila is on top of her game. We will see what she’s up to in Cali and her upcoming NY trip to judge the hash category @bestofcompetionput on by @hitmanglass Dougie. We will also be checking in with Caleb from @cicadalabs in Tulsa OK Their water hash stood out at the @cowboycup both years we attended. The cleanliness and eye for detail really make a difference when it comes to water hash and Caleb and his team have got that process down. Almost forgot It’s the First Fri of the month that means we will be having our monthly LED giveaway from @Esttechusa The most efficient and productive LED on the market. On a sad note we lost one of our great breeders Brother Milo Yung aka Big Buddah @bigbudahtalks the UK’s cannastar that brought Cheese to the world a strain that continues to make waves and will live on forever. We will raise a smoke in honor of him and send him our ❤️“Rest In Cheese” 🧀🌈🌱so make sure your ready with a fully charged @dabx and you have your @yoproductsllc Yo-Tips at the ready or if your old school your @jerome_baker bong clean ( yea you 👀) so you can join us in that honorary smoke and 3 hour practice (gotta get it right) this Fri 4:20-7:10 MT YouTube.comadamdunnshow #ripmilo #milahashqueen #jamesloudpodcast #cicadalabs #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #davesstillhere #warpt4life #herbanhouse #sohicafe
TADS042823 – Adam Dunn Show 04 – 28 – 23

He doesn’t always go on podcasts but when he does he makes sure its “The Adam Dunn Show” we are blessed to be joined this week by none other than the “King of Lighting” @jair.velleman from @Dutch_Lightning_Innovations. We will obviously delve deep into the world of lighting, but more than that will go back in time as Jair and I have many stories to tell from the “good old days” back before he was the king of lighting and ran a progressive grow shop in a tiny town in Holland. He will be joined by @jerin_h_ From @NewMillenniumNutrients and @phive.8 distribution. Be sure to check out their podcast Ready Set grow. Our in Studio guest Co-Host Katie will be bringing back on Travis @viewaskew and @Melanieroser our local “ Myco Warriors” to give us an update on prop 122 and the attempted gutting of it by the senate Bill 290 surprise surprise…. so make sure you have that @dabx GO rig charged your @Jerome_Baker Bong clean and your joints rolled with your @yoproductsllc “Yo Tip” at the ready so you can keep up with us on another three hour episode of #kingoflighting #phive8 #readysetgrow #dutchlightinginnovations #sagemastaselect #sohicafe #warpt4life #herbanhouse #davesstillhere #seedsherenow #exotixtech
TADS042123 – The Adam Dunn Show 04 – 21 – 23

This week being the epic Stoner week why not have the living Legends themselves to keep the 4/20 vibes rolling or at least puffing a bowl or doing a dab @CHEECHANDCHONG will be live this Fri 4/21 for a virtual sesh on both and their new platform You can join this ever growing community of like minded stoners and get all sorts of perks and terps if you live in Cali you can even use their Takeout option and get some fire delivered to your door. If you have ever dreamed of getting high with Cheech and Chong here is your chance to do it on the regular. Our in studio Guest co host will be the psychedelic warrior Garret from @pegasusbags we always have a good time and learn something when we hang out and he couldn’t have picked a better week because our other guest is non other than the Founder of @Meow_wolf @Vincekadlebek MW is an amazing concept bringing together art and entertainment in a fully immersive landscape that will bring out the kid in anyone. A way to step into psychedelic reality without actually taking them …but they can help, we will be going there directly after show and all you in the Patreon Posse will get join us. So make sure you have that @dabx fully charged your giant joints rolled and your @jerome_baker bong cleaned so you can keep up with us this week and smoke with some legends! 4:20 -7:10 MT on or join #cheechandchong #bowlmates #sagemastaselect #sohicafe #warpt4life #herbanhouse #davesstillhere #seedsherenow #exotixtech #meowwolf #culturedbiologix
TADS041423 – The Adam Dunn Show 04 – 14 – 23

“We can rebuild him we have the technology” and thank god for that! Our first guest Ricky Palomino is an old friend that we are so glad to have back on the show after going through one of the most extensive surgeries not once but twice. We will get an inside peek into this incredible life extending procedure that kept Ricky with us. Because Ricky is on a mission! That mission is to get RBK @RickysBrothersKush into everyone’s hands who wants to experience what a true OG is really all about. We will be taste testing some RBK x Chem DD’s in the studio and have a couple drop ins from growers out there testing and growing out some RBK and RBK hybrids . Joining us this week Tim McCormick the man behind @cul.tur.ed will be our guest co-host Tim will be coming on monthly to answer any Questions you may have about nutrients , organic growing, next level organic farming . Tim will also update us on all the new products coming out of the cultured lineup , and there are quite a few ‘Plant Vitality, Rupture Phosphorus and Nitrogen supplements Aloe based root stimulants“these are just a few that I got my hands on. Really looking forward to hanging out with Tim and finding out more. If you have ANY questions for Tim please send them to so we can ask him on air. We will also have Jason Mccallister in the studio to tell his story. Jason is one of the latest cannabis Refugees here in Colorado. He had to leave his home In Alabama to seek relief for his unfortunate health condition that was dealt to him in a bad hand from the “man” We will hear the story from his own words and see how we can help him as we know there is one thing we can do as a canna community is come together to help pull our friends up when they need. So make sure that you have your @dabx rig charged , your @jerome_baker bong cleaned and ready to rock and those joints rolled with your @yoproductsllc YoTips locked and loaded, so you can keep up with us on another 3+ hour show this Fri 4/14/23 4:20 -7:10 MT YouTube.comadamdunnshow #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #sohicafe #RBK #Culturedbiologix #warpt4life #herbanhouse #davesstillhere
TADS040723 – The Adam Dunn Show 04 – 07 – 23

NFT’s,Art,seeds,psychedelics these are just a few things we will cover this week. We will have guest Co-host Kyle Allon from @exotixtech Who happens to be well versed in most of these things, and about to learn more from our other guests @Galoartist and Chaz from @thelondonpolice our friends from Amsterdam that were in Denver and lucky for us able to leave their mark in our new spot soHI cAFe. We will check that out and share some crazy stories from life on the road for some legendary street artists. Finally checking in our friend Garret from @pegasusbags will be giving us a psilocyupdate and can answer any mushroom cultivation questions you might have. Wait did I say finally I almost forgot it’s the 1st Friday of the month so it’s time for the @esttech led light giveaway. If you’ve entered your halfway there m, if not enter at Tell us why you need a led and don’t forget the code word “midztao” So get that @dabx GO RIG charged, your @jerome_baker Bong cleaned and enough joints and blunts rolled so you can keep up with us this Fri 4:20-7:10 MT on another episode of The Adam Dunn Show} #seedsherenow #esttech #exotixtech #pegasusbags #davesstillhere #herbanhouse #londonpolice #galoartist #sohicafe
TADS033123 – The Adam Dunn Show 03 – 31 – 23

Perp walk or Terp walk ? Well I’m pretty sure I know what most ADS viewers want so let’s deliver. Coming back in the studio this week Jenny , JJ and crew from @dutchbotanicals will be delivering the terps once again. Living soil grown cannabis and extracts presented in amazingly designed packaging is just the beginning, we will delve into Chinese cannabis history and find out what it takes to convert a coco based salt driven grow into a vibrant organic indoor living soil garden and do so efficiently. Speaking of efficiency will also have Cullen from @Greenbroz_inc will joining us and if there’s one company that can help you become efficient this is it,trimmers sorters, joint rollers you name it.if you have an idea of what you want and they don’t have it, they can make it. Can’t wait to see what they have going on these days. Finally we have Chris, Zach, and Chris from @dabx zooming in for a virtual sesh if you have not tried a dabx GO rig or the Rocket then make sure to check out their website and use dunndeal in promo code for 20% off and get yourself one we will be giving away GOs and hopefully getting more people efficiently, smoking their dabs on the regular. So get that @jerome_baker bong cleaned up and those joints rolled and of course your Dabx charged so you can keep up with us on another episode of 19h
TADS022423 – Adam Dunn Show 02 – 24 – 23

Business with a cause! Our first guests from @yoproductsllc live this mantra every day. Started in 2022 by 2 brothers Jesse and Elliot Sternberg ,with their flagship product yotips a sustainably made birch joint tip to both make sharing joints more hygienic and a better overall smoking experience. a portion of profits gos directly to support the Spinal Cord Injury community, as Jesse Sternberg, is a C5 quadriplegic, he was paralyzed from the neck down by a drunk driver in 2013 at the age of 18. For years he’s faced the struggles of one of the worst injuries known to man, which has given him a unique perspective and massive drive. After being addicted for years, he was able to get off of all prescription painkillers using cannabis. Jesse realized he could give back to the community that had given him so much. He asked his brother, Elliot, to help him start the company, and with some assistance from their father, David Sternberg Yo Product was born. We will chat with them to see how this journey has helped them and many others. Our next guests @flowerfarma Founded by the “Flower Chef” Julie Houser in 2022 Flower Farma provides a new space for cannabis and gourmet enthusiasts to explore cannabis. We marry plant based cuisine with cannabis nutrient dense seeds and oils, and treat this wholesome flower like it should be - as an ingredient THC Is fat soluble so if there was ever a direct delivery system infused oil might just be the best solution. Check out the website there are some amazing combinations these products could really “elevate” you culinary experience and Dave has some to bring on the show so we can add that to our weekly regimen looking forward to that discussion . So get that @dabx GO charged up your @jeromebakerglsss bong cleaned with some fresh water and Ice, and crack open a fresh blunt or grind up some flower to roll in your favorite papers. So you can join us for another deep dive into the cannaworld live 4:20 -7:10 MT on #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #bio365 #esttech #yoproducts #flowerfarma #davesstillhere #warpt4life #flickinbeans #jamieschickenbeer
TADS030323 – Adam Dunn Show 03 – 03 – 23

Well Feb flew by ….and now we are at the beginning of the cannaseason first stop, Barcelona. We will be checking in with all the organizers of the cups and events surrounding Europes premier cannabis event @spannabis march 10-12. First off we have Peter Papadopoulos the man behind @terp_tower_invitational set in an amazing location TT brings some of the worlds stoniest characters together to celebrate our love for this epic plant and lifestyle. Arnoud Tango will fill us in on this years @AutoFlower_worldcup march 10-12 Autos are definitely making waves And finding there place in commercial growing. We had the winners of the last competition @fastbuds on a couple weeks ago check that out if you haven’t seen it yet. Michael Fang will jump on after that to fill us in on the @Organicup that will be going on from march 6th -12th. @theorganiccup will be holding events all week at various social clubs including @dab_a_doo_event and @theegoclashinvitational showcasing the best of organic cannabis and extracts. If there is one thing that should be highlighted it’s properly grown organic products. If you look at the list of guests it’s The Who’s who of the cannaworld Check out the organic for full list. Finally we have Garret from @pegasusbags coming back on the show if you are interested in growing your own mushrooms then this is your one stop shop. Mushrooms can solve almost any problem and Garret will tell us about Pestalotiopsis Microspora Aka Plastic eating fungi, if there is one thing the world can agree on is that we need to figure out what to do with the mountains of waste we produce every hour of every day. Well if that’s not a full show I don’t know what is.So bust out that @jeromebaker bong , crack a blunt , roll some fatties or charge that @dabx so you can keep up with us for another episode on 4:20 -7:10 Mt #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #spannabis #autoflowercup #terptower #organiccup #pegasusbags #flickinbeans #warpt4life #herbanhouse #davesstillhere #dabx
TADS031023 – Adam Dunn Show 03 – 10 – 23

Daves not here man ……that’s because he’s in Barcelona @spannabis we will be checking in from “The” Industry party hosted by our friends and sponsors of this show @grovebags & @805lance at one of newest social clubs @dankofengland these guys really concentrate on quality as the founder always did pushing the boundaries of social smoking RIP “Black the Ripper” everyone will be blazing down hard after the first day on the floor at Spannabis but remember you gotta pace yourself. Dave will be holding court with some of our favorite canna celebrities. Including @edrosenthal240 ( if he can stay up late) we can’t make too many promises in that department but there will be a bunch of drop in guaranteed. Dave will update us on the show, what trends he is seeing and if you know dave there should be shenanigans to report on. Joining us in the studio my co-host for the day Kyle from @exotixtech will fill in and update us on the latest in web3 and some of the next ways to use the blockchain in the spread of genetics. Speaking of genetics we will also check in with Miles from @weedshouldtastegood who is set up @NECANN with our friends from @buildasoil out on the east coast. No Lo in the studio she came down with red hot case of the Jlovid…😷 but she will be there on Zoom so break out that @jeromebaker bong charge that @dabx rig and get those OCB papers rolling so you can keep up with us on another 3 hour adventure on with a special time of 2:20. -5:10 MT if your at Spannabis check out booth #223 for DOE and grovebags and booth #15 in the main hall with RKIEM SEEDS where you will find Dave and they will say “Dave’s Here Man” #davesnothere #seedsherenow #dankofengland #grovebags #sagemastaselect #spannabis #bangerz #greenbroz #terptower #jlovid #warpt4life #herbanhouse
TADS031723 – Adam Dunn Show 03 – 17 – 23

DAVES STILL NOT HERE!…While Dave galavants around Europe the crew and I are doing what we do around here…..getting really high and putting out a cannacentric podcast every week. Luckily we have the Irish ☘️ luck Dunn here, and we have Jayson Vezzosa Live in the studio. Jayson is the man behind Colorado’s @connoisseurcup.official one of THE most dedicated cannabis Competitions I have seen The 2023 will be held next week with special celebrity judge Devin the Dude, finally we will get a chance to hang out After multiple failed attempts ( that he probably doesn’t even know) , the ADS squad will be there in full effect hopefully judging All the catagories looking forward to that one. But this week it’ll be JLovid and Dave via Zoom Dave will be checking in from @theplugscoffeeshop where he’s been hanging out with @dabstars , Jair , the nose and a cast of “Amsterdams Finest”. So expect a show full of surprises and good times and to help you achieve cannaestasis make sure to have your @dabx GO rig fully charged, your @jeromebaker bong clean and packed and those joints or blunts rolled so you can keep up with us for three hours on another episode of 4:20 to 7:10 MT #sagemastaselect #seedsherenow #esttech #bio365 #Culturedbiologix #davesstillnothere #Connoisseurcup #greenfarms
The Adam Dunn Show
Rumors, News, Science, and Culture, have hit the Crossroads of the mainstream and cannabis culture. The weekly three-hour Adam Dunn Show brings you comprehensive analysis and interviews ranging from the horizon to the underground of the marijuana industry. From the medicine, business, and law leaders in the industry, to the most knowledgeable technical experts in the cannabis industry, this podcast brings you all. Tune in!
Weekly Cannabis Digest
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