Latest The Brave New Weed Podcast episodes
Episode 154: Let's get the old guy out of prison

Episode 153: All about cannabis concentrates

Episode 152: Where are your cannabis tax dollars going?

Episode 151: NBA star Al Harrington and his Viola cannabis brand

Episode 150: What's the best age limit for cannabis?

Episode 149: Loitering laws: Arresting people for standing

Episode 148: Prepping for a first magic mushroom trip

Episode 147: Microdosing with anarchists in the CHAZ

Episode 146: Cannabis, racism, and America's crisis

Episode 145: Hummingbirds fight over weed jars

Episode 144: No regrets in legal marijuana states

The Brave New Weed Podcast
As each day passes, the potential and promise of marijuana get clearer. As science pulverizes myth and folklore is replaced by evidence, everything about the much-maligned plan seems up for grabs. Brave New Weed Podcast firmly represents the voice of the post-prohibition era. The discussions are always fearless, fun, and informative, hosted by author Joe Dolce together with co-host Matthew Hendershot. The key focus of this podcast is on the pristine natural healing power of THC and CBD. But, the stories and topics are expanded appropriately to capture the cultural zeitgeist of the day.
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