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More-populous counties backed state marijuana legalization measures in midterms

Populous urban areas once again provided a majority of the voters supporting marijuana legalization ballot initiatives during the November midterm elections, according to an analysis of state election results.

The counties containing St. Louis and Kansas City in Missouri and Annapolis and Baltimore in Maryland overwhelmingly approved adult-use marijuana measures in their states, some by almost 80% of the vote.


This helped tip the balance in Missouri, which passed its recreational ballot initiative by 53%, with many less-populous rural counties opposed to the measure.

That pattern held true in deeply red Arkansas, North Dakota and South Dakota, where adult-use legalization initiatives failed last month.

Overall, adult-use legalization measures were passed in two of the five states where marijuana was on the ballot in November, snapping a yearslong winning streak for such initiatives.

Pulaski County, containing Arkansas’ capital and most-populous city, Little Rock, had one of the

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